Monday, January 29, 2018

Jan 29 2018

Welcome to Planning 10! Blocks 3/4

Intro for class: I'm Ms. Hathorn and will be your Planning 10 teacher this term!
I am still in transit back to Revelstoke and so look forward to meeting all of you next week!

For now let's get start with some intro's.

1. Take out a piece of paper and answer the following questions

What is your first and last name?
What is your favourite hobby/sport/passion?
What would you like to learn more about in Planning and Careers 10?
If money were not a question - and you could do ANYTHING for a living - what would that be?

Please hand in to Mr. Smith.

2. Take 15-20 min to make a title page for a 'Reflections' section in your notebooks. Make it colourful!

3. Watch the below speech and then answer the following question in paragraph form. Min 1 paragraph - Max 2.

Q: What are you thankful for now - that provides you with more opportunity than most of the world?

Angelia Jolie Speech

5. Mr. Smith led discussion - What is important to you? In life? Why are we all here? For some people their destiny will include landing a regular 9-5 job and climbing the corporate ladder - for others - their purpose will include following their passions and potentially living outside of what is considered the societal norm. Let's check out a family who has chosen to live life through their calling to surf and travel the world.

Intro to 'Given' - Netflix. 1 hour 15 min

"Given is the simple yet powerfully contemplative story of a unique family legacy come full circle. Told through the experience of a 6 yr. old, Given follows legendary surfers Aamion and Daize Goodwin from their island home of Kauai through 15 different countries in the quest for surf and to fulfill a calling handed down through generations. Set in wave after wave of stunningly visual earthscapes, Given blooms into a tender yet stirring exploration of a young boy’s understanding of life through his familial bonds and their reverence for nature. Deeply moving, Given gives us the humbling contrast of a small voice voyaging through a big world as it finds its way home again.

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